acquiring several international certificates

1.ASC( Aquaculture Stewardships Council )
We are the first farm that qualified as ASC certificate in world “Yellowtail” Buri farms.
In order to realize sustainable farming of Buri into the future, we have taken various measures such as reducing the burden on the wild environment, reducing our dependence on natural resources, and building relationships with local communities. It is not 100% of our fish yet but we will gradually produce more with this certificate. Considering the natural environment and working on our farm without changing the environment will lead to continuing to grow Kurose Buri into the future.
2.MEL( Marine Eco-Label )certification
MEL is a system that suits to the marine eco-labeling guidelines adopted by the FAO in Rome in March 2005. In addition, it is working as an international standard scheme that is widely accepted today. MEL publish the qualification, which also reflect the features of Japanese fishery. The aim is not only to contribute to the development of the marine environment but also Japan’s unique seafood culture by encouraging consumers to use products take into consideration of sustainability. We have acquired in October 2019 due to our efforts to conserve the environment and reduce the burden on natural resources. All Kurose Buri shipped are MEL-certified.

3.IKEJIME Certification
QUALITY SEAFOOD LONDON LIMITED in London office qualifies IKEJIME Certification. IKEJIME is a set of Japanese traditional techniques applied for killing fish quickly, preserving the most quality of the fish meat. Once the fish is out of ocean, the quality of fish starts to reduce immediately. Selecting the appropriate method of IKEJIME by each species and recognized as effective can only acquire IKEJIME Certificate. It shows not only preserving most fish quality, but also reducing both stress and pain of the fish. IKEJIME method for our Buri is that cutting gills and medulla oblongata quickly at same time on board. This processing method maintains quality and reduces stress on fish from landing. All Kurose buri shipped are IKEJIME certified.