Unique farm method of Buri without depending on natural resources

1.What’s Buri/Hamachi (Yellowtail、Seriola quinqueradiata)
Yellowtail is a fish that is native to the seas around Japan. The name of Japanese Yellowtail changes depending on its growth stages. The common names used are Buri and Hamachi. The difference from other species of Yellowtail, such as Kingfish or Hiramasa, is that Buri is a fattier meat. This means that Buri is not only suitable for Sushi and Sashimi, but also for baking and grilling. Yellowtail is the most popular among all the farmed fish in Japan. Until recently, Buri was only known by the common name “Hamachi”.
2.Artificial Seedlings
Traditional Yellowtail farming starts from collecting wild fingerlings (juveniles) and nursing them inside the farm.
This farming method depends on the catch from Wild Ocean, so the volume each year is unpredictable.
Nissui’s Kurose Suisan farming method relies on cultivated Yellowtail eggs. This farming method, similar to Atlantic salmon farming, starts with the fish egg and not the wild juveniles. This offers the market a more reliable and stable year around supply.

Kurose Suisan has its own hatchery located in Kagoshima Prefecture, in southern Japan. There are professional skilled workers taking care of both fingerlings and spawning fish in this hatchery. The hatchery controls the spawning fish and feed to maximize farming quality and yield outputs. Once the fish has reached the optimum size, they are transported to sea cages until market size is achieved.
4.Seedling Selection
The hatchery selects the parent fish based on optimal available genetic attributes. Nissui’s Fish Science and R&D department collects suitable fish as parents to ensure the optimal spawning stock. Full traceability from egg to harvest is achievable.

5.Expansion of Artificial Seedlings
Nissui’s Kurose Suisan is 100% committed to the use of its egg to harvest Seedling Selection technology for its farmed Yellowtail. Nissui’s Yellowtail farming capacities are expanding from improvements to egg collection, multiple spawning periods during the year, and land based hatchery expansions. Nissui is the pioneer in the farming of Yellowtail without relying on wild fingerlings. This innovation maintains a distinct sustainability characteristic. Additionally, a steady and reliable year around production can be achieved to offer consistency of availability.