Early and multiply egg collection, and breeding

1.Technology of early egg collection
Kurose Suisan has developed the technology of mature control of Buri, Yellowtail, to have different spawn period from the one that wild Yellowtail have. This development enables Kurose Suisan to have their own eggs earlier than other farms by maximum of six months. The earlier that the eggs get collected, the earlier Kurose Suisan can sell appropriate size of Buri to the market.
2.Improvement to stabilize the fish quality / (Making stable quality fish)
In general, the farmed Yellowtail in Japan have a spawning period from May to June. During spawning season, ovary and testis grow bigger. The Japanese market fish meat quality is not as desirable during summer for Yellowtail. We have solved this problem by the development of technology for collecting eggs earlier and harvesting younger matured fish so that we will not suffer its quality from spawning season. As the result, we have committed to supply excellent quality fish in summer as well. This has enabled consumers to buy our Buri throughout the entire year.

3.Operating harvest plan according to controlled egg collection
Adjusting the spawning season calculated backward from the harvesting time, Kurose Suisan has managed producing the amount according to the demand accurately. Kurose Suisan also has the capability several times of the year for correcting eggs and providing risk management for growth of fish. This artificial seedling system is one of the key points for Kurose Suisan to make production with stabilized quality.
4.Breeding knowledge and technology
It is important to control the trace of the broodstock individually and genetic record information to passing to the next generation. The old-fashioned style of farming Yellowtail cannot create the connection between generations. Kurose Suisan has improved the property of each generation by choosing broodstock that only have excellent genetics. To protect the diversity of genetic family, the R&D department have all the records and trace of broodstock. We also try to find the fish with high-growth rate, disease resistance, and environmental adaptability for every next generation.